Saturday, May 22, 2010

財団法人 日本漢字能力検定協会 公認 漢検DS, Zaidanhoujin Nippon Kanji Nouryoku Kentei Kounin: KanKen DS

Description :

This "Game" is specially made for those Japanese and not-Japanese Persons Looking to take the Kanji Certification.

Not entirelly a game (Only by the Mini Games all relating to Kanjis)but quite useful in studying, learning and preparing your self for the real Kanji Certification made, in foreignr countries at the Japanese Consulate or by a Kanji Certificate Organization in Japan. this Certification has several "kyu" or "grades" that depends on the difficulty level of the kanjis and their uses and this game seems to cover all "kyus", even the 1"kyu" or "grade" that is the most difficult one, and that could be interpeted as "fluent and proficient in Japanese" as Kanji is an important part of Japanese Written Language.

Game Language: Japanese

Download V1.4


Download V1.5


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